Home > Questionnaire > How do I know if I have outstanding questions?

How do I know if I have outstanding questions?

Outstanding Questions

When you log in to your account, look under the My Clients heading on your Home page to view your Questionnaire completeness widget.  If you are not at 100% complete, you will have questions that are missing a response. 

This widget displays questionnaire completeness based on the following:

  • Required for CQ Network Approval
  • Requested by CQ Network
  • Require for Approval by All Clients 
  • Requested by All Clients. 

You can click to 'View Outstanding Questions' from the Questionnaire widget or click on Questionnaire from the left side menu and choose Outstanding Questions.  On the Outstanding Questions page, you can sort by 'All outstanding questions' or 'Only questions required for approval'.  Each question will also state the client that has added the question and if it is Required for Approval.

From each question, you can click to 'View' which will direct you to the page within the questionnaire that has that outstanding question.  If you click on View and the questionnaire does not appear, check to ensure your pop-ups are enabled for that page.