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What is required to change our account company name?

Company Name Change Requirements

Document Requirements

To change your subscriber company name from existing company name to new company name, these are the documents that need to be uploaded to your account:

  1. Certificate of Amendment or similar document outlining the Legal Entity name, OR
  2. Letter on Company Letterhead outlining that Company Name has been purchased/merged/etc. by/with Company Name.

The above document(s) can be uploaded to the Certificate of Incorporation requirement.  

You also need to upload the following to reflect the new company name:

  1. WCB Clearance Letter / location (dated within 30 days of upload)
  2. Insurance Certificates (CGL & Automotive)
  3. If the same HSE Manual is used, we need a document stating that New Company Name follows the Management Standards outlined in the Existing Company Name HSE Manual.  (Upload to the HSE Manual requirement.) 


Please make sure to add past and new company names to the question:

‘State other names the company has operated under’

(found under the heading Organization, section – Corporate Structure).