Home > Account > Where do I access the Membership or Approval Certificate?

Where do I access the Membership or Approval Certificate?

The CQN Certificate of Approval / Membership is found in the Account Status widget on your Home page. Subscribers do not have to enter any data or make a request.  Just click the link and it's ready! 

The CQ Network Membership Certificate proves your membership with CQ Network and can be a valuable resource for promoting your account and company.

Subscribers that have an active account with CQ Network can obtain a:

  •     CQ Network Member Certificate, or
  •     CQ Network Approved Certificate.

Both Certificates display your Subscriber ID#, Member Since and Renewal date. The Certificate of Approval will also include whether your account is in an Advanced or Standard approval status in real time.

Which Certificate Will I Receive?

To view which certificate you qualify for, check your Approval Status widget on the home page or click on the Membership Certificate.

If your Approval Status shows that you are Advanced or Standard, you receive the Approval Certificate.

If your Approval Status shows that you are Not Approved or Suspended, the Member Certificate is available.

We Want to Help You Become an Approved Subscriber!

If you are Not Approved, it may be due to a few reasons:

  •     Have your had an evaluation on your account?  
  •     Are your required document and questionnaire submittals complete?

If you are Suspended, this is due to a late or non-payment issue.  Once your account is up-to-date with payment, your account will be re-instated. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at support@cqnetwork.com or connect with us via phone or live chat.