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Who determines the content of my Questionnaire

Questionnaire Content

The CQN data questionnaire contains 41 questions covering a wide range of organization, capacity, OHS Management, quality management and contractor management criteria.  Clients can also further customize the questionnaire by adding their own requirements.

As part of configuration, clients have the ability to customize their contractor management templates which includes questions and documents.  Clients can simply add any question, from our pool of over 400 questions, to meet their requirements. 

Complete Questionnaire

On the Complete Questionnaire page, you can view your questionnaire completion as a Total Progress and per Client.  If you have Clients showing, this means they have added questions to the questionnaire.

How do I know who is asking a question. 

As you navigate through the sections, pages and questions, you can view who has included the question and if the question is Required for Approval, and by whom.  Under each question, there will be the line " Included by..." and will show who has the question added to the questionnaire.

The star icon will indicate the question is Required for Approval.  Questions that are set to 'Required for Approval' need to be complete and do affect your Approval Status.

Questions that are not set to Required for Approval do not affect your approval status but should be completed.

Outstanding Questions

Once you connect with your client, it is a good idea to check your Questionnaire completeness widget to see if there is any changes to the completion of your questionnaire.  You will notice the completion for the Required for Approval by All Clients and Requested by All Clients percentage bar change if there are new questions included by your new client.  Click from with the Questionnaire widget to View your Outstanding Questions. 

On the Outstanding Questions page, ensure the Show toggle is set to 'All Outstanding Questions' then click to View and complete the new additions.