Home > Account > Difference between My Contractors and My Clients section on Home Page

Difference between My Contractors and My Clients section on Home Page

All ContractorXchange accounts can be used in two ways: 

  1. as a contractor maintaining compliance with your clients (My Clients)  and
  2. to manage your own contractors (My Contractors)!

My Contractors

Turn on this section by clicking on Yes to the 'I want to manage contractors' link from within the Account Status widget on the Home Page.  You can also go to the 'Edit my Account' from the top right arrow icon and mark the toggle to Yes for 'Manage Contractors on Homepage'. 

The My Contractors section shows contractors who have connected to you. It displays their approval status (Approved, Suspended, or Not Approved) with ContractorXchange. 

This is the gateway for managing your contractors from your account.  

My Clients

Turn on this section by setting the 'I want to provide data for clients' link from within the Account Status widget on the Home Page.  You can also go to the 'Edit my Account' from the top right arrow icon and mark the toggle to Yes for 'Provide My Data & Documents to Clients'. 

The My Clients section section displays data about your company. This section displays Document Completeness, Questionnaire Completeness, Clients, Locations, Services, CX Evaluation and CX Approval status. You can click from each box to view or manage your data for each item. 

The Clients widget displays the Clients you are connected to and your approval status with a client (if applicable).