Home > Document Management > How do I upload documents?

How do I upload documents?

Document Management

On your Home page, first make sure that you have the 'I want to provide data for clients' toggle set to Yes. 

There are two places within your account that will direct you to the Submit Documents section.

1. You will see the Documents widget Under the My Clients heading on the Home page.  This shows your Document completion percentage with CX and with your client(s).  From the box, you can click on the 'Submit Documents' link to be directed to the Submit Documents page, where you can choose to view/upload documents to CX or a client. 

2. Click on the Documents icon from the left-side menu on the Home page. You will be directed to the Submit Documents page. 

Once you click to submit documents (for CX or a client), you will be directed to the list of document requirements. Click on the document name to view requirements and upload to that requirement.